We pride ourselves on producing high quality websites that fully conform to the highest web standards. Our sites are accessible and search engine friendly, making sure that all our sites have the best possible chance of succeeding where so many others fail.
After years of constant development, the people who make WordPress have made a major jump forward with usability and functionality in their user interface.
Not only is it far prettier, it contains many improvements and functional changes to help the end user. According to Matt over at WordPress dot Org:
…multi-file uploading, one-click plugin upgrades, built-in galleries, customizable dashboard, salted passwords and cookie encryption, media library, a WYSIWYG that doesn’t mess with your code, concurrent post editing protection, full-screen writing, and search that covers posts and pages…
Here at Best Served Cold, we’ve already upgraded several installations for our clients who have been extremely satisfied with the new release. A simple upgrade can be done for less than £250 +VAT, if you want to find out more: