We pride ourselves on producing high quality websites that fully conform to the highest web standards. Our sites are accessible and search engine friendly, making sure that all our sites have the best possible chance of succeeding where so many others fail.
This is something I’ve only just found about: the WordPress for Android application. As an extensive user of WordPress on a number of websites (including this one) and an Android phone owner I think this could be very useful!
WordPress for Android is an Open Source app that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications. Download it now and get blogging in no time. The latest version of the app has just been released:
WordPress for Android 1.3.8 has been released to Android Market. We squashed some bugs that we received from Android Market reports as well as added a new feature!
You can find out more about the project and download the app here: http://android.wordpress.org/
WordPress for Android is an Open Source project, which means anyone can play a part in its development. WordPress for Android is released under the GNU General Public License. Both our app and our source code are free to download and use however you’d like. In return, if you are able, we’d love it if you contributed your code, your design talents, or even just your suggestions back to the project.
To download the app from the Android app market, follow this link from your phone: market://search?q=pname:org.wordpress.android
If you enjoy using this app, why not vote for it on our very own 101 Best Android Apps
At Best Served Cold we’ve been working on a lot of our own projects for a while – the “101 best” sites are always growing and our latest venture has come about because of that: We realised that with the introduction of all these app stores for the iPhone, Blackberry and Android there’s suddenly a massive need for mobile and social application developers and so we built Apps Jobs.
From the site:
Do you need a developer to build an application for you? Apps Jobs is part of the 101 group of websites which get over 1 million page views a month and 300,000 visitors! With that kind of interest, you’ll know that your advert is getting to the right people.
One of the first places that developers are going to go to when they’ve finished their current iPhone/iPad, Android, BlackBerry or twitter application is somewhere they can showcase it, and then on to find a new job, all on the same page!
By running Apps Jobs as part of the 101 sites we’re able to use the momentum of all the visitors we get to those sites to push the popularity of Apps Jobs. We currently receive over 500,000 pageviews every month across our 101 portfolio! So, if you’re trying to find a high quality mobile application developer for your new iPhone or Android app or if you’re a developer who can programme Blackberry or Facebook applications and you’re looking for a job, check out the site!
Apps Jobs is dedicated to advertising application development jobs – whether it’s Android, iPhone, Blackberry or social network apps, this is the place to advertise and search for the latest mobile and social application development jobs.
Do you need a developer to build an application for you? Apps Jobs is part of the 101 group of websites which get over 1.5 million page views a month and 500,000 visitors! With that kind of interest, you’ll know that your advert is getting to the right people.
One of the first places that developers are going to go to when they’ve finished their current iPhone/iPad, Android, BlackBerry or twitter application is somewhere they can showcase it, and then on to find a new job, all on the same page!
After the success of 101 Best Websites we started thinking about other ideas that could utilise the same functions and similar layout. One of our first ideas was 101 Best Android Apps – a gallery of mobile applications for the Android mobile OS from Google.
If you’re unsure what Android actually is, we wrote a post about it: So, what is Android?.