We pride ourselves on producing high quality websites that fully conform to the highest web standards. Our sites are accessible and search engine friendly, making sure that all our sites have the best possible chance of succeeding where so many others fail.
We’ve launched another 101 site! This time it’s not for mobile apps but a showcase site for the best HTML5 sites we can find on the internet. We’ve already added quite a few and you can check it out here:
HTML5 is the latest standard for all HTML websites. It’s been in development since 2004 and is just now being added to browsers.
HTML 5 introduces a whole set of new elements that make it much easier to structure pages. For a complete overview and introduction to what HTML5 can offer to designers and coders, I recommend taking a look at this article over at A List Apart.
We’re currently in the process of converting the site to use HTML5 but haven’t quite finished it yet!
It’s been three weeks since we launched 101 Best Websites and we’ve been a bit rubbish at keeping this updated with news! Firstly, the site is going well we’ve had over a sixty submissions and over a hundred followers on our Twitter feed… Now we just need to get the word out some more and continue to tweak the site and continually improve it.
Remember, the site isn’t just a CSS showcase site, you can also submit your favourite DOM/AJAX and Flash sites:
Flash showcase on 101 Best Websites
DOM/AJAX showcase on 101 Best Websites
You can follow our progress and check out the new submissions on our Twitter feed and why not share the site on facebook or join the 101 Best Websites group and suggest ideas for the site.
We hope you like the site and will continue to support it, tell your friends!